I just found CDs with lots of my old, old pics.
I'm going to go back and do some "flashback" blog posts.
I've been jealous of my friends blogging their little ones.
Now I can do some posts of my little ones :)
We had a cowboy day at church when my kids were little.
Here's my favorite cowboy...
Nice, big purple guitar.
Like the t-shirt and athletic shorts with the chaps? It's a look only Eli could sport.
I know this next photo is blurry but the look on Eli's face is so...Eli.
I think he was trying to look mean and tough but instead he's just so stinkin adorable!
He was the real deal...
That's my little cowboy in the white hat and my baby cowgirl (with the curly pony tail) snuggled up next to him.
Can you see the little red boots sitting next to her? Adorable!
The kids were listening to a cowboy kids' story and my cowgirl got super duper comfy with her cowboy brother.
They don't cuddle like that now.
They don't even sit next to each other, unless it's a mistake.
Sometimes I miss the good ol' days.
I love that Eli look! :)
what a great picture of your cowboy! Can't wait to see more.
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