Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Our summer is quickly coming to an end.  Sad news.  We're trying to fit a little more fun in before we have to get into a school routine.
Hannah committed to babysitting some fun kiddos this week.  We realized over the weekend that she also had a dentist appointment today.  Double booked.  I'm organized like that.
We decided we would just take our fun friends with us and I would sit with them in the waiting room while Hannah got her sealants.

We know how to make a statement at the dentist...
Yes, those are princess crowns, sunglasses, purses and cowboy boots.
Totally new meaning to a crown at the dentist.
Here's what you can't see.  Our little cowboy and indian has his shorts on backwards.  And he was totally cool with it.  I love that kid!!

We spread a little cheer to everyone at the dentist office today.  There were lots of smiles.
Abi and Sophie had a Ramona and Beezus routine they did.  "Extraordinary.  It's when you take something ordinary {insert a big side kick here}... and give it a little extra."

These kids are extraordinary.  And they make me smile :)


Amy said...

Glad they could make you smile. Feel free to take them anytime. :)

Dad said...

You make me smile. What an extrodinary mother you are. It's the mother that they have that makes joy flow from them. Bless you.

Jennifer said...

we think they are pretty cool kids also to have in our neighborhood! thought of your family a lot on the 18th - hope all went well