I will definitely celebrate being a mommy to my gorgeous kiddos but I wouldn't be the mom I am without this gorgeous woman in my life...
My mommy is a very young mommy. I know she doesn't look a day over 50 but she is. I love having such a young mom.
She is a woman of dignity, character, grace and style.
My mommy married young. She was a big city girl who married a farm boy. She was an adorable teeny, weeny mini-skirt sportin' baby doll who fell rock hard for an oversized farm boy (my dad is almost 6'5" and my mom is 5'2").
My mama introduced me to this cold world before she turned 20. She had to learn at a young age how to work full-time, maintain a home and raise a couple of adorable piggy-taled girlies.
She did it all with grace, love, dignity and style.
My mom would make sure we all sat down for breakfast together and then cleaned up by 7:30 each morning. She would then sit and read with us until the bus picked us up for school (we lived that way through jr hi). What kind of mother does that? My mom!
My mom taught me how to drive like a cat on a hot tin roof. We get where we're going pretty dog gone fast but no one notices how we got there.
My mama has met her fair share of heartache. Her mom died very suddenly at a very young 49 so my mom has lived without her mom since she was 31. Her father passed away several years ago and she has seen the devestation of divorce. But she still smiles. She has handled all this heartache with more grace and dignity than Grace Kelly ever knew.
My sweet mama is a fairly quiet gal. She sits in high falootin' board meetings and helps make very wise decisions. She doesn't offer her opinion much unless it's requested.
That's one of the things I most admire about my mom. I've made some pretty 'tupid mistakes in my adult life but my mama never scolded me for them. She has loved me unconditionally and accepted me with all my flaws.
My mom has a sense of style that rivals Sharon Osborne. (I'm not sure I've ever told you all how much I totally love Sharon!). She is smart stylish. She is sassy stylish. And she is drop dead gorgeous. She colors her hair and I think she'd be ok with me telling you all that. I can guarantee you, she will make sure she still looks good and her hair is done even when she's walking the halls of a nursing home. She's just proper like that.
Most of all, my mommy loves Jesus. She extends His love, grace and mercy to everyone she meets. Part of her job as an officer at a local bank is HR. I know as sure as the sun is shining in that gorgeous blue sky today that the bank employees love working for/with my mom. She's just the kind of sincere woman who quietly loves people the way Jesus would.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.'" Proverbs 31: 25-29
I love you mom and I'm so thankful you taught me how to be a mom and woman of character. My life is richer for your influence. You da best!

This may be the only time my baby sis has ever come between my mama and me. But, it was her 40th birthday and she needed to be the star of the show. She earned the right for one day :)
Lovely tribute to your mom!!
This is a precious tribute to your mom! Beautiful!
You always know just what to say, and how to say it. your Mama must have taught you that, too. :)
love this post!
I enjoyed reading this post - you must have a special mother - and to think that she also taught you how to be such a special mother to your children
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